Our Clinic and Doctors and staff are strongly committed to excellence in patient care and cross-disciplinary research that brings current medical developments into clinical practice.
BLC's acclaimed and experienced team provides thorough evaluations, diagnoses, and treatments in all areas of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Our training, clinical experience, and research are driven by a sincere dedication to excellent medical care. We are fortunate to have exceptional facilities and the most technologically advanced equipment in Thailand to help us.
Each patient is treated as a unique individual, as physical, psychological, and philosophical differences may affect treatment choices. We encourage patients to discuss these factors and any other concern with us.
We are committed to your care and well being, Contact us now for more information and advice.
BodyTite allows the individual to remodel themselves by eliminating stubborn fat and smoothing cellulite while simultaneously re-contouring and firming the body. BodyTite uses an advanced technology called RFAL ( Radio-Frequency Assisted Lipo Tightening ), to offer you a safe , gentle and unique body contouring solution.
FaceTite and NeckTite can provide a non-excisional solution previously only obtain through invasive surgical procedures (such as a facelift). By avoiding the complexities of extensive surgery, you can benefit from a rapid recovery with results that reflect a more natural appearance. You can see the results immediately, with best result noticeable after 6-12 weeks.
Fat transfer is the movement of fat using a syringe. It can be used for a variety of applications, including filling depressions, to improve contour in breast augmentation, or to help fill in wrinkles. This procedure can be performed in either isolation or in combination with other surgery.
Rhinoplasty (surgery to reshape the nose) is one of the most common of all plastic surgery procedures and carries many excellent benefits for the patient.
6/2-3 ซอยพร้อมศรี ถนนสุขุมวิท แขวงคลองตันเหนือ เขตวัฒนา กรุงเทพฯ 10110 ประเทศไทย
โทรศัพท์: 66-2260-2561 to 3, 66-81 308-0220, 66-86 770-6685 and Rin 66-81 842 1001
แฟกซ์: 66-2260-2560
Email: info@bangkoklaser.com, bangkoklaserclinicbydr.sett@gmail.com